The Astronot

The Astronot

Comedy, drama, by Tim Cash, United States, 2018.
Daniel McKovsky is a lost soul wandering the universe. Alone for 30 years he spends his nights staring at the sky with a brass telescope as his only companion. As she looks up, his mind flashes back to that day when as a boy his father hadn't returned from World War II. Having already lost his mother in childbirth, this second stroke sends Daniel down a dark path of isolation deep in the woods of central Oregon. While staring at the moon in the 1950s and 60s, Daniel dreams of becoming an astronaut. The irony though is that he rarely ventures far from his surroundings. The only spark in his life at that moment is the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union to become the first nation to reach the moon. In 1969, a young postal worker named Sandy walks up his driveway with a package for him. It is the antithesis of Daniel; outgoing and vivacious compared to his quiet and reserved nature.

The Astronot is the singular story of a naive and pure character who in some respects recalls the famous Forrest Gump, but unlike him is destined to always be among the losers. From childhood to adulthood, Daniel never loses his enthusiasm for life, even if he has to be content only with picking up metal objects in a wasteland and lives completely alone after losing both parents. The Astronot is a romantic comedy with a vintage aesthetic, set in a remote rural area in the United States. Despite the funny tone, however, life events have a dramatic impact on Daniel's life, almost like a curse, a continuous betrayal of existence that makes fun of a fragile soul. A funny character who experiences tragic situations and creates a strong empathy with the public.

SUBTITLES: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese

The Astronot