Chasing Butterflies

Chasing Butterflies

Comedy, romantic, by Rod Bingaman, United States, 2009.
Nina runs away from home hours before her wedding. In order not to postpone her mother's wedding ceremony, she pretends to be Nina and marries her boyfriend. Soon after they begin their search to find Nina and bring her back: Nina's husband is convinced that she no longer loves him. A fifteen-year-old nerdy boy meets Nina on the street and tries to impress her with his father's Corvette that he sneaked away without having her driver's license. Meanwhile, a rebellious young woman and her boyfriend who has escaped from prison meet the boy and steal his Corvette, sowing panic with a series of thefts as they head to Canada, in search of a better life and money to make their living. love dream. Meanwhile, Nina meets on a bus a man on the run from a failed marriage: a famous local radio broadcaster who has been abandoned by his wife. But the bus will be the target of a robbery by the engaged couple "Natural Born Killers".

Chasing the Butterflies is an action-packed romantic comedy populated by characters destined to cross paths. Love gives them energy or scares them, everyone is on the run in search of a better life or because they don't know how to deal with responsibilities. Everyone refuses to be imprisoned in social conventions even when they themselves have sought them, even when the social convention is that of a marriage to a man you still love. An on the road littered with grotesque situations and hilarious dialogues, often in American slang, made independently, with a very interesting cast.

SUBTITLES: Spanish, French, German, Portuguese

Chasing Butterflies